Management in Europe

Your Employees Just Aren't That Into You

A new survey shows that employees who aren't into their jobs cite their relationship with their boss as the biggest problem. If you think employee engagement is one of those warm and fuzzy phrases found in the self-help aisle, think again. According to new research, not only should you be taking employee engagement seriously, it’s probably already a problem within your company. And you might be to blame. 

Sure, Big Data Is Great. But So Is Intuition

It was the bold title of a conference this month at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and of a widely read article in The Harvard Business Review last October: “Big Data: The Management Revolution.”Andrew McAfee, principal research scientist at the M.I.T. Center for Digital Business, led off the conference by saying that Big Data would be “the next big chapter of our business history.” Next on stage was Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor and director of the M.I.T. center and a co-author of the article with Dr. McAfee. Big Data, said Professor Brynjolfsson, will “replace ideas, paradigms, organizations and ways of thinking about the world.”

The One-Minute Change That Will Transform Your Company

We talk a lot about major pivots--but what about minor ones? Here's how one small piece of pivotal behavior can change your company for the better. Can a single behavior elevate an entire organization? It can - if it’s the right behavior. Here’s how a simple 1-minute act helped an organization reinforce its purpose and outperform its competition by leaps and bounds.

Dairy business in Lithuania: Big fishes in small pond

The entire Lithuanian dairy industry is controlled by five major companies: Pieno žvaigždės, Rokiškio sūris, Žemaitijos pienas, Vilkyškių pieninė, and Marijampolės pieno konservai. They are doubtlessly the strongest dairy plants in the Baltics, since their competitors in Latvia and Estonia are incomparably smaller and the two dairy markets are more divided.

Why Trying To Manipulate Employee Motivation Always Backfires?

CEOs have two levers they pull on a regular basis to influence their organizations. The first lever adds to, or takes away from, strategic intentions. The second one controls the hiring of key talent to ensure that the right people are in the right seats. Levers work well for many of the factors that impact business success; but one area-employee engagement-resists “leveraging.” 

This is Your Brain on Organizational Change

Why can't we change our organizations? Year after year, the list of companies that no longer exist because they were unable to evolve continues to grow. It includes such household names as Sunbeam, Polaroid, Tower Records, Circuit City, and Drexel Burnham Lambert. After six decades of study, untold investment, and the best efforts of scholars, executives, and consultants, most organizational change efforts still underperform, fail, or make things worse.

Go East for new markets – Lithuanian Apparel and Textile Industry Association

The time has come for Lithuanian producers to start shifting some of their exports to larger and healthier markets. Therefore, an increasing number of Lithuanian industries are pursuing an aggressive expansion strategy in various Eastern markets. Of course, such shift does not come without its challenging tasks.

IKEA flagship store to revive the left bank of Neris

On Thursday, the investors that built the IKEA shopping centre in Vilnius and the government of the capital ceremonially put the symbolic capsule in the wall of the building for future generations. The IKEA store will open its doors in next August, and the twice as big shopping complex will be targeting buyers on the left bank of Neris.

After three year of negotiations – freer entry to Russia

After three years of negotiations Lithuanian National Road Carriers’ Association Linava has been informed by the Customs Service of the Russian Federation that customs officers were ordered not to carry out additional screening of Lithuanian goods and vehicles, according to ELTA. According to the president of Linava Algimantas Kondrusevičius, the Customs Service of Russia not only discontinued additional screening, but also abolished the lists of reliable and unreliable carriers.

Lithuanian toilet paper maker awarded EU Eco-label Flower

Sanitary paper products manufactured by Grigiškės AB were awarded the EU Eco-label Flower, NASDAQ OMX Baltic reports. Grigiškės AB is the first company in Lithuania to be awarded this label by the Environmental Protection Agency. The EU eco-label is awarded to goods and services meeting the environmental demands for EU eco-labelling scheme, reports LETA/ELTA.

Lithuanian retail chain – one of the largest in Georgia

Company “Ioli Supermarket Ltd.”, which was established by Lithuanians and manages the distribution network “IOLI Gastronomia”, has acquired another distribution network in Georgia “Populi” and became the largest retail network of the necessity goods in the country, reported on August 2nd.

Lithuania suggests strengthening the Nordic bow cooperation

Lithuania suggests making better use of the opening opportunities for the cooperation of the so-called Nordic Bow that includes the Nordic-Baltic countries and the United Kingdom. On 18 July in Vilnius, Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Audronius Ažubalis met with Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom William Hague to discuss cooperation opportunities.

Lithuania and Turkey

On 2 July in Vilnius, Lithuanian Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Egidijus Meilūnas met with the new Ambassador of Turkey to Lithuania Akın Algan to discuss the development of bilateral relations and prospects of economic cooperation. 

Agreement to expend legal framework for bilateral cooperation

On June 27 in Vilnius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Audronius Ažubalis held a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Mauritania Hamadi Ould Baba Ould Hamadi, during which he stressed Lithuania’s wish to strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation with Mauritania, and to further economic relations. They also agreed to expand legal framework for bilateral cooperation.

Vilnius chosen as springboard for European expansion

GRG Banking Equipment, China’s largest provider of currency recognition and cash processing solutions, is opening its doors in Vilnius, reported on 26 June. One of the ten largest companies in this field and rapidly expanding all over the world, GRG Banking Equipment has chosen Vilnius as a springboard for its further expansion in Europe.

Lithuanian and Turkish bilateral relation, Turkey's EU integration

On June 22 in Vilnius, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Audronius Ažubalis and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Knud Bartels discussed the progress of the Lithuanian Energy Security Centre in achieving the status of a NATO's Centre of Excellence.

Developments are Afoot

Aidas Laurinavičius, the director for commerce at Vilnius International Airport, is full of ideas for making the rapidly expanding airport even more attractive to passengers. A new terminal has recently opened. A special train now takes passengers from the airport to the railway station. Next year the airport hotel will be modernised, and passengers will be offered attractive new services. A separate VIP lounge will be available for businessmen.

Vilnius has the fastest Internet in the world

“Skynet” Network Operations Center Deputy Vladimir Kiseliov said that the current record of the Internet speed has been achieved with the help of high quality equipment, which was chosen in the right time and utilised professionally.

IT destiny in 2012

Information technology has developed a lot and it has become an integral part of important business processes. That is why, leaders of organizations and specialists are wondering, what is the future of IT in 2012? Here are the forecasts of IT specialists in 2012.

Significant percentage of all companies are going to invest in advertising on the internet

Lithuanian Marketing Association and the “Business News” marketing specialists carried out a survey in December. The results showed that even 65.7 percent of companies are about to increase marketing costs for advertising on the Internet this year. Overall, in 2012, 53.4 percent of companies are about to rise marketing budget. It is almost 6 percent more than previous year. 8.6 percent of all questioned are going to increase the budget for more than 50 percent. Meanwhile, only 18.6 percent of questioned are going to reduce marketing costs.
